There are so many blogging events out there that I really want to participate in. But time and money are always a question. There has been a project I’ve been toying with in my mind that fit in perfectly with this Event . Fruit Brandies. Zlamuska created this event to get us thinking about our holiday giving.Now’s the time to start the prepping and planning. My project takes 3 months and I should have started it earlier. However it would be a great gift in a decorative bottle or even in the ‘moonshine’ containers like a Mason Jar. Certain Someones mother makes great brandy concoction out of berries and other fruits from her garden. She told me its very simple and just takes vodka, fruit sugar,and a jar.Oh, and time! My intention was to do a apricot brandy, but I couldn’t find any. So I settled one a plum brandy, and another interesting fruit I came across called Cactus Pear. Imagine tropical a Cactus pear martini in the dead cold Chicago winter! And the inside color is gorgeous. A bright fuchsia. I used this link from Canadian Crafter as a guide. She emphasises any fruit would do. The comments have great tips on filtering the brew with a Brita filter when done. Also , the vodka doesn’t have to be the best. I used the cheaper Smirnoff rather than a Belvedere, Kettle One , or Grey Goose. They were some really cheap ones , but I was afraid to go there!
So essentially Its just covering your washed fruit ( no peeling or pitting necessary)with sugar. The recipe I referred to said 3 cups sugar for a one Gallon jar. I just winged it to saturate the fruit and probably used about 1 1/2 cups of sugar for the half gallon Mason Jars I used. I made one entirely plum( about 8 plums fit in). The other was the Cactus Pear( this one I cut the ends off to release the color ). The fruit didn’t reach the top so I added 2 more plums for contrast in flavors.Then I covered with vodka and shook it up to dissolve the sugar. Your supposed to turn it over each day for the next three months. Plums are so appropriate for Christmas. I cant wait to make my summer fruit concoctions. I can even see toying with pepper/ vodka infusions. The choice is yours. Imagine your holiday party serving cocktails made from own brew.
*I will follow up around Christmas on the Brews progress.