Horchata….I love to say say that word. For some reason its conjures up sexiness to me. Maybe because when I first heard of this, I was young and it just seemed so exotic. Sexy people sipping a Horchata in the beaming sun. Horchata is known as The Drink of The Gods.With images of sexiness and sunshine with some glamor, I sought out to taste it. Unfortunately I tasted a bad version of it in D.C, and never really thought much of it again for years after that. Funny how one bad experience can set you off.
Here’s a little back story. I love milk and milk doesn’t like me at all. Now Certain Someone can drink some milk. Sometimes I look at him and just crave a tall cold creamy glass, but we both know there will be dire consequences if that happens. So when budgets permit I like to buy myself some delicious Almond or Rice milks, but that can get really pricey. Then I became reacquainted with this drink, Horchata, and I’m onto a new thing! Nothing is more filling and thirst quenching then a tall ice cold glass of this drink ,originating form Spain, and arriving in various forms throughout the Latin America.The Mexican version of Horchata is made from pulverized long grain rice, water, cinnamon,sugar and lime zest. In Spain, where it originates, its called Horchata Chufa , and is made from Tiger Nuts or Chufas. Chufas can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt and have many healthy properties.Similar in taste to an almond, its not surprising the Spaniards used almonds, and rice when they brought the drink to the new world. Maybe I wasn’t to far off in equating sexiness and Horchatas. Both Chufa /Tiger Nuts and Almonds are all aphrodisiacs. Drink Up.
I came across a recipe from a well known cookbook author, who I won’t mention, and he seemed to miss an important and vital step, straining it. I was running low on Cinnamon sticks, so I decided to use the lone stick I had with some Cardamon, not authentic, but why not? I also used whole almond that hadn’t been blanched. Since I was straining the mixture, I felt it wouldn’t matter in appearance.This drink is so good I would like to keep it always prepared in my refrigerator. It can also served as a base for alcoholic drinks mixed with rum. So before you go buy commercial Almond Milks or Rice Milks. Try this at home for a fraction of the cost, and far more tastier. I submit this for a long overdue Meatless Mondays Post.
Horchata With A Twist
1 1/2 cups uncooked rice, preferably long grain
Zest of 1 lime ( keep zest in larger pieces to strain out)
4 cups of cold water ( 2 for soaking and 2 for blending)
1 cinnamon stick
5-7 Green Cardamon Pods, shelled
1/2 cup cane sugar
1 cup almonds ( blanched or un blanched)
In a large bowl soak rice, Cinnamon sticks, cardamon seeds and lime zest. Cover and let rest for 24 hours in the refrigerator . Some methods pulverize rice first in blender ,as well, then soak. Either way a good straining will be needed after blending.
Remove Cinnamon sticks and lime zest.
Take a blender and in small batches , blend the rice ,water , with the almonds ,as best you can until a white liquid forms.
Once all blended and sugar and mix.
Strain twice through a fine meshed sieve or through cheesecloth to extract the liquid from the remaining gritty residue.
Using a funnel bottle liquid and store in the refrigerator. Horcahta will last a few weeks in the fridge.
This book review has been a while coming. I wanted to get it up as we are all in that summer swimwear mode now.I received a copy of Substitute Yourself Skinny by Susan Irby, the Bikini Chef a few weeks back from FSB Associates. Susan is a trained chef who has worked with likes of George McNeill, Todd English, and Ming Tsai. In addition she has cooked for some celebrities. Substitute Yourself Skinny is a pretty good source as diet food books go. The recipes seem full of flavor while cutting back on fat. I will admit I’m not a fan of all the ingredients used (sugar free instant pudding), but for the most part I can get down with most of the ingredients. Eachof the 175 recipes has information on calories on the original recipe versus the book (SYS) version , and nutritional breakdowns. The picture above, is Susan’s Smitten For Molten Chocolate Cake. Relatively easy, using natural ingredients, its comes in at 191 calories as opposed to the Original recipe of 451calories. The taste was very satisfying and rich. I wont post the recipe directly , as I haven’t asked for permission. But…. Here is some more information and recipe below.. I will hosting two additional book giveaways coming up this month on some more great summer reading and cook books. Stay tuned.
10 Simple Food Substitutions to Get Bikini Ready By Chef Susan Irby, Author of Substitute Yourself Skinny: Cut the Calories, Keep the Flavor with Hundreds of Simple Substitutions!
Bikini season is just around the corner! There’s still time to get in top bikini shape and what tastier way than with these easy, simple, and delicious substitutions. Great tasting food doesn’t have to be bland, boring, and flavorless. As the Bikini Chef, my food philosophy is fresh, fresh, fresh. Fresh citrus, fresh herbs, fresh natural ingredients that wake up your taste buds, are pleasing to your palette, and give you the satisfying flavors your body craves. In fact, most people love the lower calorie, lower fat substitutions once they’ve tried them and have gotten past their fear of trying what they perceive will be tasteless food.
The best part to these substitutions, besides achieving your bikini goal, is that they are simple substitutions you can make every day. Easy, affordable, and flavorful, these simple tips will help you stay in bikini shape all year long. 10 Simple Food Substitutions To Get Bikini Ready
Using ½ wheat flour and ½ plain flour will make your scones more bikini but adding fresh wild raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries will also liven up the flavor, wake up the color, and give a fresh, flavorful twist to an otherwise boring biscuit.
Cream sauces and creamy soups get most of their creaminess from fat and calorie laden heavy whipping cream. Use ½ nonfat milk and ½ nonfat sour cream instead for the same creamy texture without the unwanted creamy fat that will sabotage your bikini body.
Eggs vs egg whites. Some people go the extreme and swear off eggs forever using only egg whites. However, using only egg whites can get expensive and eggs are necessary as a binding agent for many recipes. For breakfast, use 2 egg whites for every one egg for a leaner, lighter breakfast and when baking or making dishes such as burgers, use ½ whole eggs and ½ egg whites to keep the texture but save on calories, fat, and cholesterol. As a side note, the majority of protein in eggs comes from the egg whites, not the yolk, making them a deliciously healthy option all around.
Cut back on the beef. If you crave a hamburger, make your own lighter, leaner version by using ½ lean ground beef and ½ lean ground turkey. You’ll find you sacrifice nothing on flavor or texture but save yourself plenty on fat and calories. Enjoy these leaner burgers as smaller sliders for lunch, dinner, or for tasty bites at summer pool parties.
Nonfat vanilla yogurt is a delicious substitution for mayonnaise. Use as a healthy substitution in chicken salad, tuna salad, and dipping sauces such as aioli. It is very flavorful and naturally creamy so you don’t need to use a lot of it.
Cut the cheese. Skip the cheese altogether but if you must have cheese, go for lower fat versions such as reduced fat cream cheese, reduced fat Monterey jack, reduced fat feta. If you must have your full fat versions, opt for freshly grated Parmesan or parmiggiano reggiano and cut back on the amount you use. Fresh, good quality cheese such as this has great flavor so a little goes a long way.
Add a little citrus. The rind, or zest, of lemons, oranges, and limes is edible and adds a refreshing flavor to steamed or grilled vegetables, sauces, meat dishes, practically everything. Cut back on salt which causes bloating and add a little fine grate citrus zest for tons of flavor with no fat or calories.
Most people love crispy bacon but it adds loads of fat and calories that are often an afterthought for many dishes. If you must have crisp bacon crumbles on your salads or even for breakfast, use leaner turkey bacon instead. It has great flavor and crisps nicely like traditional full fat bacon. Or, better yet, skip the bacon all together. If you are having a luscious salad, add fresh, crisp asparagus tips or diced fresh zucchini. For breakfast, substitute crispy no-sugar added bran cereal or fresh berries. Pass on the bacon, it’s just not worth it.
Watch out for sugary pasta sauces and dipping sauces. Sugar has empty calories that add up quickly. Instead, use freshly diced tomatoes with a little freshly chopped basil leaves or cilantro leaves. Add a hint of lemon zest, drizzle of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil (½ tablespoon each) and finish with a small pinch of sea salt and fresh ground black pepper. Toss with pasta such as penne or fettuccini or serve with baked wonton crisps.
Wonton wrappers are perfect as crispy crackers instead of crostini and tortilla chips. Buy the squares and cut into triangles. Brush lightly with olive oil and bake in a 225º oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until crisp and golden. Top with salsa, serve with chicken salad or other dips as you would crostini and chips. As a bonus, they are inexpensive and unused wonton wrappers keep in the freezer for up to 3 months.
It’s Greek to Me Greek Salad
By Chef Susan Irby,
Author of Substitute Yourself Skinny: Cut the Calories, Keep the Flavor with Hundreds of Simple Substitutions!
CALORIE SAVINGS 263 Substitutions such as reduced-fat or nonfat feta cheese save on calories and fat; however, cutting back on the amount of extra-virgin olive oil in dressings is another key factor in keeping your recipes slimming.
½ head red leaf lettuce, washed, dried, and cut into 2-inch pieces
1 English cucumber, diced
2 large tomatoes, diced
¼ cup chopped red onion
¼ cup chopped red bell pepper
¼ cup chopped pitted kalamata olives
½ cup reduced-fat feta cheese crumbles
1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano leaves
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Sea salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
1. In a large mixing bowl, toss together the lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, olives, and cheese. Separately, in small bowl, whisk together the oregano, oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Pour over the lettuce mixture and toss well to coat.
2. Serve on salad plates as an entrée or side dish.
SERVES 4Serving size: ¾ cup
Original recipe: 440
SYS recipe: 177
I hope everyone is settling into the New Year. This week was action packed with some of the goals I mentioned in the last post for the Ten in Ten Challenge.Staring last Sunday I have successfully maintained a 1200 a day calorie intake using My Fitness Pal as a Guide. Counting calories is a drag but this application on my phone makes its easier and I can save foods and info to use again. So it does get easier. I’m not for deprivation at all,and have incorporated going out and social functions in the mix. So yes I have a had a glass or two of wine, just knowing that goes against my calorie intake. I joined a gym and worked out 3 days in a row. Entering the workouts of course increased my calorie allotment because of what was burned. All this activity had me loosing 1 pound by Fridays weigh in. Not bad and totally in syncs with my goals.So that’s my brief week and I don’t want to bore you any more , for Ten in Ten.
I was craving a good fish, so I went to a fish wholesaler and settled on Grouper for the price and size. I love Isaacson and Stein .
Its a gritty place and any sort of fish you want is there fresh or frozen. Once you pay, they can clean it and gut it. I had mine cut up in steaks. I had him give the head and tail for stock later.Big mistake as Certain Someone is funny about bones and such. He like his fish totally filleted and devoid of skin and bones. While he liked this dish , he wasn’t a happy camper with the bones.But the big firm chunks of white fleshed Grouper are so satisfying and pretty mild in flavor. As for me, I love a good fish steak. You can make this recipe in either form. Another cool time saving fact is that you can bake them at the same time on a lipped baking sheet. They finish in about 15 minutes.
I found another site to give you an idea of how many calories are in each recipe. The information comes courtesy of Calorie Count. I have used other sites before to calculate, so its great when you want to create but also need a idea of what the nutritional value is. This whole dinner comes in at 499 calories . Not bad at all.Click on the detailed links at the end of each recipe for a complete analysis.
Nutritional details are an estimate and should only be used as a guide for approximation.
Serves 4
head Cauliflower
cloves Garlic
cup Low fat milk
tbsp unsalted butter
cup low moisture mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper to taste
Steam head of cauliflower and garlic cloves until soft. Drain, add milk. Mash with immersion blender. Add cheese and butter and mix until blended. Spoon in ramekins and bake at 450 F until golden.
Nutritional details are an estimate and should only be used as a guide for approximation.
Serves 2
grouper steaks
tomato chopped
cup chopped sun dried tomatoes
dried onion flakes
tsp balsamic
1 1/2
tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Wash and dry Grouper steaks.Place in the middle of a piece of parchment paper. Mix chopped tomato, sun dried tomato, salt, pepper, dried onion flaked, balsamic, and some olive oil in a bowl. Spoon tomato mixture on top of fish . Drizzle remaining oil on top. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Fold and seal grouper in the parchment paper. Bake at 450 f for approx 10-15 minutes or until paper starts to brown.
Happy New Year friends and readers. Hard to believe its back to the grind tomorrow at work. I have really enjoyed this last week just chilling with Certain Someone doing nothing really. Even my tweeting has decreased, although he would argue with that. Certain Someone gave me some great tools for the New Year. Kitchen Aid pasta rollers, and IPhone 3GS. I’m going crazy with the IPhone as I’m a Blackberry addict. I love all these apps, esp the recipe and fitness related ones. I have a lot of seeds and plans for this year. Certain Someone has surprised me the past few days with agreeing to some tiny changes in ways we eat. He didn’t balk when I suggested whole wheat pizza dough for our New Years pizzas. I even got him to eat some greens and beans. Last night he made me dinner, a pizza with the whole wheat dough I made. It was good, but couldn’t convince him to go totally meatless. Baby steps. If it wasn’t 7 degrees right now we would be going for a walk. But There is the treadmill. I was the lucky recipient of an advance copy of the Mayo Clinic Diet. I’m not really a dieter as I love food and life to much to deprive myself. However I need to put things in check. Many have claimed they had world renown Mayo Clinic certified diets before, but, this is the only official one ever released by them. In reading through the book and journal. its not a diet per say, but a way of life. Using the classic pyramid, the book educates you on proper serving within the food groups. Fitness and breaking of bad habits is emphasized as well. All nothing new and gimmicky, just clearly illustrated good practical sense. A few recipes and menus are given , but you really do the work in figuring it all out with the tools they give you. I like this as you can work with what you have and not have really expensive shopping lists of items you have and never will eat again like some diets.Although here is a whole link to Mayo Clinic Weight Loss Recipes.You can jump start your way with the Quick Start Plan designed to help you loose 6-10 lbs in 2 weeks. I love the tool they give, a journal to record your progress. If only they had that as a IPhone application.
About Donald Hensrud, M.D. Donald Hensrud, M.D., M.P.H., is chair of the Division of Preventive, Occupational, and Aerospace Medicine and a consultant in the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. He is also an associate professor of preventive medicine and nutrition at the College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic. A specialist in nutrition and weight management, Dr. Hensrud advises individuals on how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. He conducts research in weight management, and he writes and lectures widely on nutrition-related topics. He helped publish two award-winning Mayo Clinic cookbooks. About Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic is the first and largest integrated, not-for-profit group practice in the world. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy that the needs of the patient come first. Over 3,600 physicians and scientists and 50,000 allied staff work at Mayo, which has sites in Rochester, Minn.; Jacksonville, Fla.; and Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. Collectively, Mayo Clinic treats more than 500,000 patients a year.For more than 100 years, millions of people from all walks of life have found answers at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic works with many insurance companies, does not require a physician referral in most cases and is an in-network provider for millions of people. For more information, please visit www.goodbooks.com/mayoclinicdiet.
I confess this will be hard with food blogging, recipe development for future projects, etc. But I can only try. I am giving away a copy of this book and journal to randomly picked commenter. Just leave a comment telling me what your Food or health related goals are this year .
Adapting recipes If the recipe calls for ButterMargarineShorteningOil
Try Substituting ✚✚ For sandwiches, substitute tomato slices, catsup or mustard.
✚✚ For stove-top cooking, sauté food in broth or small amounts of healthy oil like olive, canola or peanut or use non-stick spray. ✚✚ In marinades, substitute diluted fruit juice, wine or balsamic vinegar. ✚✚ In cakes or bars, replace half the fat or oil with the same amount of applesauce, prune puree or commercial fat substitute. ✚✚ To avoid dense, soggy or flat baked goods, don’t substitute oil for butter or shortening, or substitute diet, whipped or tub-style margarine for regular margarine.
Meat Try Substituting
Keep it lean. In soup, chili or stir-fry, replace most of the meat with beans or vegetables. As an entrée, keep it to no more than the size of a deck of cards — load up on vegetables.
Whole milk (regular or
Try Substituting
Fat-free or 1% milk, or evaporated skim milk Whole egg (yolk and white)
Try Substituting
¼ cup egg substitute or 2 egg whites for breakfast or in baked goods Sour cream
Try Substituting
Cream cheese Fat-free, low-fat or light varieties in dips, spreads, salad dressings and toppings. Fat-free, low-fat and light varieties do not work well for baking. Sugar
Try Substituting
In most baked goods, you can reduce the amount of sugar by one-half without affecting texture or taste, but use no less than ¼ cup of sugar for every cup of flour to keep items moist. White flour Replace half or more of white flour with whole grain pastry or regular flour. Salt
Try Substituting
✚✚ Use herbs (1 tbsp. fresh = 1 tsp. dried = ¼ tsp. powder). Add towardsthe end of cooking and use sparingly — you can always add more. ✚✚ Salt is required when baking yeast-leavened items. Otherwise you mayreduce salt by half in cookies and bars. Not needed when boiling pasta.
I have committed myself to Ten in Ten(10 weeks to Healthy 2010). I know its cliche to begin a new regime at New Years, but better now than never. I have found since I began food blogging,turning 40,change of job to more sedentary one, and co habitation, I have gained a significant amount of weight. I rarely work out like I used to. The Mayo Clinic Plan appeals to me because its its not a fad diet, but is just streamlining and actually practicing what basically I know and is not about deprivation, but just good common sense. I realistically plan to lose 2 lbs per week. I need that extra motivation to exercise and move.
My goals are realistic.
Try to stay within 1200 calories for at least 1 month
Exercise at least 2-3 times a week. I may join gym near office with pal and work out at lunch( undecided about the lunch time part).
Try to lower blood pressure
Lose 20-40 lbs this year.
Pay more attention to portion size.
So enter a comment on your food and health goals for the New Year. Be sure to spread the word via Twitter and Facebook too. Cutoff is January 10, 2010.
Even the Queen of England has to go…. No one is above this bodily function. For all we shove in we should more concerned about it coming out, and on a regular basis. Constipation is a growing problem that can lead to many medical complications and disease.Only now are people even daring to talk aloud about this.Danielle Svetcov has addresses this in what,many people don’t want to talk about out loud, The Un-Constipated Gourmet. Can one watch their health and enjoy good food without having to resort to nasty , drastic remedies? Yes, by incorporating certain foods in your meal plans. I love this book for the great original concept and the writers style of addressing this non delicate subject. I wish however that this book of 125 recipes had photos, because she has some really great recipes that need to be shown in a visual sense.Asking family and friends what ‘makes them go’, Danielle develops a list of key foods and rates them with a numerical ‘Go-Meter’.The Un-Constipated Gourmet also tells you what foods to avoid .Breakfast,Snacks, Dips and Spreads,Soups,Salads, Sides, Entrees, Desserts, Special Elixirs,Emergency Recipes, and a chapter on ‘Corkage’ if you need to stop the flow, are all there. Some recipes are interesting and original, and some are familiar. But one looks at them in new light and as something good that will keep you regular. With my schedule there were many recipes I wanted to try, but managed to only make one for this post. Elote is something you find on the streets of Chicago sold in the Mexican community. Summer is abundant with corn, and this combo, which I never dared buy form a cart, called my name. Elote from the Un-Constipated Gourmet by Danielle Svetcov 4 Ears of corn 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons Parmesan Cheese 1/4-1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/8 teaspoon salt Pinch of cayenne pepper
Boil corn in salted water for 5 minutes. on a plate combine mayonnaise and lime juice to roll the corn on and through.Mix cheese and seasonings on another plate.Roll cooked corn on mayonnaise, and then roll on the cheese plate.Grilled corn works great as well. For prinatable version click here:
I am giving away a copy of the Un-Constipated Gourmet. Leave a comment with your own remedy or just why you want the book. Don’t be uptight and keep it all in.It’s bad for you.Drawing ends July 20.