Where to continue?This week has been spent running back and forth between Stockholm and Skärplinge with the move and other details. On the drive I fell in love with the beautiful historic churches I would see peep up from the vast vistas. I did manage to see Uppsala and the historic Cathedral and Castle on a quick drive by. I vow to explore that town some more. Another town I fell in love with was the ancient Gävle that sits alongside a river. It was once a major trade hub centuries ago . In the rural countryside I saw old American cars with Confederate flags. I guess they like The Dukes Of Hazard. I wonder if they know what the symbolism of a Confederate flag really means? Certain Someone and I spent an isolated 2 days and night in our new home (I like saying that).I worked on the kitchen and he hooked up his old computer. We have no Digital Box so no TV. Just the quiet of nature and some old MP 3’s. I was amazed at the china and crystal collection Certain Someone had in storage. I have a well stocked kitchen for sure with weights, bowls, blenders, etc. I see a lot of baking bread and such up there.I want to plan a huge Midsommar bash for next summer. In the eerie country silence I saw a real fox looking back at me from the back yard and he jumped into the woodpile. Two country neighborhood cats came a calling. I think they thought the old owner was there with his cat. Our friends almost ran over a Moose near the house when leaving one night after the move. All this common up here. I walked to the sea as Certain Someone napped.The beach is a stark rocky patch that looks so beautiful.Finland awaits on the other side of the sea.
I finally got used to the whole Outhouse thing. It wasn’t to bad and actually quite cute inside with its yellow interior, candles, etc. It never really got to dark to make me scared to walk to it. The whole Midnight Sun thing going on. I admit I jumped whenever I heard a car . It’s that’s isolated and who knows what or who is lurking around. One of those places you wonder if a tree fell, would you hear it?
Not much to report on the food front. A lot of quick MAX burger , pizzas and kebab consumed. Swedish pizza is odd yet very good. Mostly run by Iraqis immigrants, it has wild non traditional ingredients. My favorite are banana chicken, ham,curry types.
Some have kebab on top.
Kebab resembles gyro meat. Thinly shaved aromatic lamb served with peppers, sauces,etc. Delicious. Certain Someones favorite is Palmyra.I would fly over for it , it’s that good!
Category: Certain Someone
Glamah Does Sweden …Day 1
This trip would be my 3rd visit to Sweden. Once alone to meet my uncle and cousins, and the last few with Certain Someone for weddings, meeting friends,etc. Getting there this time around was challenging. I had a connection via London but arrived later due to weather delays.British Airways informed me that there were no more available direct flights to Stockholm. They rerouted me via Schipol in Amsterdam.Lots of waiting around,coveting the new shops in the controversial Terminal 5.From a professional perspective this has raised the bar in Duty Free shopping. Anyway I finally arrive in Stockholm, funky, irritated, but full thanks to a upgrade on the last leg(meals and wine, would you believe American tried to charge me $6 for wine !Used to be complimentary).I had been travelling 20 hours.Another fellow Chicagoan who had the same fate as me told me our bags were still in Amsterdam.I found one bad and waited with a mob to trace the other. They took my paper and said the other(with my dress for the wedding) would be delivered to me me.Certain Someone and our friends were waiting for me.I was never so happy to see him. Talk about weary traveller.
Sweden…Land Of The Midnight Sun
These are some photos from prior trips taken in Gothenburg and Stockholm.
Well folks I’m off to Sweden, the land of the Midnight Sun. I will try to post via the Go.Blogger and Blackberry route(nix that, way to expensive with international roaming charges) or my friends computer.If not I will have a full recap of my adventures when I return. I plan to meet up with two fellow Daring Bakers in Stockholm and look forward to getting to know them. The rest of the week will be occupied with moving into Certain Someones summer house and a wedding.See ya when I get back.
We all love contests and chances to win free stuff!How apropos Sweden,Salmon,Salmon,Sweden….. Check this out:
Please submit your best salmon recipe to MarxFoods.com by Friday, June 20, 2008. Salmon should be the star of the dish, but the recipe can incorporate any variety of salmon—fresh, frozen, smoked, canned, pickled, etc.
The creator of the winning recipe will receive three separate 5 lb. shipments of wild salmon fillets (15 lbs. total); one in July, August, and September, 2008, on the date of the winner’s choosing. Each shipment will contain a different type of wild salmon, varying by species and river origin.
The winning recipe will be judged by the MarxFoods.com staff on deliciousness and originality. Please only enter a recipe that can be created in a home (vs. professional) kitchen.
Results will be announced on Wednesday, June 25.
I submitted mine! Good Luck and see/read you when I get back.
Cheers,It’s Friday Cocktail Hour…News,Prizes,Contests,and Bellini’s!
Wow, this week has buzzed by and I’m no where near ready for my trip Saturday. I almost forgot about my little Friday Cocktail Hours. Today I decided to mix some bubbly stuff with some fabulous white peaches in my CSA box. I have an abundance of produce as its only me for the past week. As I was slicing my peaches for freezing, I thought of the Bellini! Perfect.First a few things before we toast.
I am horrible with the whole award /meme thing. It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it. I just may forget to pass it on or write about it because my time is spent trying to hit all your wonderful blogs between posting, living life, and taking care of Certain Someone.I will go through a little blog withdrawals next week, but that will be good. The wonderful Marye had passed along the Blogging with Purpose award to me a few weeks back. I love Marye and feel she’s a real , down to earth ,caring, honest person who truly has a healthy handle on life. I look forward to her daily posts.
So I cant even begin to think who to pass these on to because I love everyone I read. I really consider you virtual friends and all of you have a purpose and are Yummy. Or else why would I tune in? So these awards go to all of you. Feel free to pass them on.
The creator of the winning recipe will receive three separate 5 lb. shipments of wild salmon fillets; one in July, August, and September, 2008, on the day of their choosing. Each shipment will contain a different type of wild salmon, varying by species and river origin.
The winning recipe will be judged by the MarxFoods.com staff on deliciousness and originality. Please only enter a recipe that can be created in a home (vs. professional) kitchen. Each contestant is limited to entering one recipe.
A winner will be announced on Wednesday, June 25.
Submit your salmon recipe in the comment section below. Please include a recipe name or title. Stories are welcome and if you have an accompanying photo, please e-mail it to us and we’ll add it to your post.
WANTED FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER (the actual AP headline) Linda Burnett, 23, a resident of San Diego, was visiting her in-laws, and while there she went to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries. Several people noticed her sitting in her car with the windows rolled up and with her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head. One customer who had been at the store for a while became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda’s eyes were now open, and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay, and Linda replied that she’d been shot in the back of the head, and had been holding her brains in for over an hour. The man called the paramedics, who broke into the car because the doors were locked and Linda refused to remove her hands from her head. When they finally got in, they found that Linda had a wad of bread dough on the back of her head. <>A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded from the heat, making a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot, and the wad of dough hit her in the back of her head. When she reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She initially passed out, but quickly recovered and tried to hold her brains in for over an hour until someone noticed and came to her aid. Linda is a blonde and a Republican, but I’m certain that’s irrelevant. Practice random acts of kindness!
Playing Around With Country Bob’s Original All Purpose Sauce
A few weeks back, the people at Country Bob’s emailed me and asked would I mind reviewing and talking about their product.Would I mind? Send it on over.