The culinary lifestyle as art.
Coco’s Pistachio Tapioca Pudding
I have a kind of neighbor here in Hyde Park Chicago that blogs. OK, for the most part she resides in Champaign Urbana, but she and her husband still have a Condo here. Some of you Daring Bakers may know her.Chou ,as I will call her here, and her husband invited Certain Someone over to their home for dinner as they were in town this weekend. It was a gracious offer as it was bare and they were preparing it for sell. We ate picnic style. Chou had made watermelom smoothies,beet greens, beets and apples( all from her garden), Italian style meatloaf with loads of basil and sundries tomato. Very aromatic and tasty! We spoke of things perhaps polite company shouldn’t speak of(no politics or religion). Mainly Obama, but we live in Hyde Park and history is being made, so of course we speak of politics. He’s our neighbor and we love him.At first I had planned to buy a dessert as I wasn’t prepared for the invitation. But then I realized I can whip up something quick. I pulled out Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan and decided to adapt her Tarte Tatin to an Mango Pineapple Tarte Tatin. Rather than puff pastry, I used Dories Good For Almost Anything Pie Dough, Where the recipe called called for shortening I pulled out my Atora brought in from the UK. It makes a great crust.
They seemed to like it. Certain Someone is not much of sweet eater,but I was happy Chou complimented me.You see she is the baker and a food scientist! She can go on about different techniques, theories, and experiments that just go way over my head. She’s brilliant . We really enjoyed meeting these two and we hope when they come back for a weekend in Chicago it will be our turn to do a deck BBQ for them. Also don’t forget the Sweden offer you guys! This is my 4th blogger I have met in the past few months and I seem to be on a roll. I hope to meet many more. So far each one has turned out just as I have imagined them to be.
I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend so far. I’m resting a lot. Just tired and stressed. Last night we went to an old friends wedding on the Fourth of July. It was a fitting theme for all they had been through over the past decade. Good Luck you two. It was Certain Someones first American wedding and we traded notes on the differences and what we would have, if that day came.
Anyway I woke late and checked on my hot mail account for this blog. It seems I may have crossed some lines with a fellow blogger. I know there is lot of discussion and debate about protected material and such. We all work hard on our blogs for simple enjoyment. Well anyway I have a new feature that has been up for a month or so on the side bar. Rather than a traditional link list, it shows the most recent 25 posts from my reader. I have received a few comments about this being fascinating, and have noticed it on some other blogs as well. This fellow blogger who I love to read would rather not have me show their content in the snippet or link to their blog . Its OK If I’m referring to a post of theirs, or an event, but not in this form.I never intended to use someone else’s content(It is not like I am passing off their content as mine or profiting in anyway). The feature from Blogger just shows whats in my personal reader with snippets and you can choose to go to that persons blog and read on. I think its way more interesting than a link.Something may catch your eye that you haven’t noticed before. Anyway all this to say if I have offended anyone else I am sorry. Do you think I should take this off and would you too rather not have your link in it? If that’s the case I will remove the feature. This is a whole new world to me and I don’t want to offend anyone .
Marx Foods is having another contest! I need to get going on this as the deadline is July 18. Its for your best burger recipe.
Enter your best Burger Recipe for a chance to WIN 10 POUNDS OF YOUR PICK OF BURGERS & Palm Leaf Plates to serve your burgers on in the MarxFoods.com “Build the Best Burger” Recipe Contest
Burger choices include Kobe beef, Grass-fed beef, Ostrich, Bison & more
Recipe Deadline: Friday, July 18
Summer is officially upon us which means a lot of delicious burger consumption. We want to collect a massive compilation of inspirational, new and exciting burger recipes that will last us through the summer!
Enter your best burger recipe by July 18 at MarxFoods.com. The prize? Ten pounds of your choice of the burger options at MarxFoods.com, including Kobe and wild game burgers! No matter what the winning recipe, the prize can be catered toward your taste.
We’re seeking out the best burger—any kind of burger—regardless of it is made from seafood, veggies, black beans, chicken, lamb, grass-fed beef or sandwiched between a bun, mini-buns, tortilla, or ciabatta bread. The creative possibilities are endless. And don’t get us wrong, we do like beef!
Burgers available from MarxFoods.com include:
Kobe Yak Elk
Eaton Grass-Fed Beef Llama Venison
Antelope Ostrich Kangaroo
Mixed Sampler Box Bison Wild Boar
And if those don’t appeal to you because you’re vegetarian (or for other reasons) we’ll give you a $100 gift certificate to MarxFoods.com.
The winning burger recipe will be judged by the MarxFoods.com staff on deliciousness and originality. Please only enter a recipe that can be created in a home (vs. professional) kitchen or grill, is original and from scratch. Each contestant is limited to entering one recipe.
We’ll also send the winner biodegradable, compostable and very chic looking Palm Leaf Plates to make your next burger cookout that much more convenient.
A winner will be announced on Wednesday, July 23.
Submit your recipe, with a title in the form at MarxFoods.com or in the comment section below. Stories are welcome and if you have an accompanying photo (sometimes pictures tell the best story) please send it to us and we’ll add it to your post. Feel free to include recipes for side dishes that pair well with your burger.
Contest Rules and Regulations
And finally, Paz tagged me for this visual meme. If you don’t know Paz, check her out. I love her varied posts from good food to daily shots of life in New York City. I feel a trip coming on soon.Post you 10 best food shots and tag others to participate. My type of Meme. Now I am not a photographer by any means. But I have come a long way since my first photos . Thanks to stealing Certain Someones camera and learning from you all.
Nothing says summer like Papaya/Coconut Ice Cream!
A Daring Bakers Perfect Party Cake.
Chicken I never blogged about. It looked better before cooking than cooked in a slow cooker.
A lovely flan. I’m starting to learn about natural light.
I loved the frost chilled effect of my homemade rum raisin ice cream.
I still get a lot of Taste Spotting hits on this Shrimp and long bean dish.
Finally a decent looking roast picture!
Fruits and vanilla bean for preserves.
Not a great picture but it managed to scare the crap out of a lot people. My Aunt jumped from her seat by the computer. I was proud of my Marzipan rabbit in my Buche de Noel. I guess from a certain angle it looks trapped under a log. I cant help it if it looked a little to real for people. Call me the twisted baker.It’s the Scorpian in me I guess.
A refreshing cream limoncello. I could go for some now!
I won’t tag anyone else because so many of you have been or don’t want to be. Feel free to play along!I hope you do!Its fun to see how far you have come in photography.