A foodie friend asked me what’s the hot , can’t live without gadget you found this year at the International Home and Housewares show. I was at a blank to answer. Don’t get me wrong, I found many things I just have to have this year, but these were the things that constantly impressed or occurred frequently as I roamed the endless number of booths and exhibits for 2 of the three days at McCormick Place. The Show was divided into these sections:
dine +design
wired + well
clean +contain (including global crossroads)
Trends that appealed to me and reoccurred were

Bold Pop Colors
I would be hard for me to include everything I saw in one post. So today I want to show my favorite green and sustainable items.
From the French Delegation ID Cook brings us Solar Barbecues( portable and fold away), Sun Cook Ovens, and even a nifty solar lighter that lights your cigarettes in 3 seconds even with wind. Ingenious inventions powered by the Sun.
I loved these fair trade clay vessels made in Columbia from Ancestral Clay Cookware.Non reactive, green, sustainable this method of cooking has been used since Pre Colombian times. Not only extremely beautiful, they are functional as well with the ability to be used on gas or electric ovens or ranges, grills,microwave, or direct camp fire.
And finally borrowing from the Eastern culture To-Go Wares Bamboo Utensil sets to Reduce your Fork print and stack able versatile Tiffins that are BPA and Phthalate Free.Portable, functional, and green with a focus to serve people on the go while saving our planet.
My next post will feature the impressive small business entrepreneurs at the International House and Housewares Show who have created some innovative food products.
I could (i.e. do, but not as much as I’d like) spend a fortune on beautiful kitchenware!
I would have went nuts there!
I’ll take one of each!
Love those clay pots.
SO exciting to see our Zak! product on your blog Coco!! Thanks a bunch!!