I have a kind of neighbor here in Hyde Park Chicago that blogs. OK, for the most part she resides in Champaign Urbana, but she and her husband still have a Condo here. Some of you Daring Bakers may know her.Chou ,as I will call her here, and her husband invited Certain Someone over to their home for dinner as they were in town this weekend. It was a gracious offer as it was bare and they were preparing it for sell. We ate picnic style. Chou had made watermelom smoothies,beet greens, beets and apples( all from her garden), Italian style meatloaf with loads of basil and sundries tomato. Very aromatic and tasty! We spoke of things perhaps polite company shouldn’t speak of(no politics or religion). Mainly Obama, but we live in Hyde Park and history is being made, so of course we speak of politics. He’s our neighbor and we love him.At first I had planned to buy a dessert as I wasn’t prepared for the invitation. But then I realized I can whip up something quick. I pulled out Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan and decided to adapt her Tarte Tatin to an Mango Pineapple Tarte Tatin. Rather than puff pastry, I used Dories Good For Almost Anything Pie Dough, Where the recipe called called for shortening I pulled out my Atora brought in from the UK. It makes a great crust.
They seemed to like it. Certain Someone is not much of sweet eater,but I was happy Chou complimented me.You see she is the baker and a food scientist! She can go on about different techniques, theories, and experiments that just go way over my head. She’s brilliant . We really enjoyed meeting these two and we hope when they come back for a weekend in Chicago it will be our turn to do a deck BBQ for them. Also don’t forget the Sweden offer you guys! This is my 4th blogger I have met in the past few months and I seem to be on a roll. I hope to meet many more. So far each one has turned out just as I have imagined them to be.