Joey at 80 Breakfasts chose Pizza as the theme of Hay Hay Its Donna Day.I’m admitting now that I borrowed this pizza from a local restaurant called Medici in Hyde Park. They have a sour apple,ham,red onion pizza with sun dried tomatoes. Unusual but good.I decided to try a whole wheat crust with cut up fresh sage instead of traditional dough. I also utilised a smoked Provolleta I couldn’t resit that was shaped as pig , along with regular mozzarella.
The sauce was some leftover tomato sauce in the refrigerator. I thinly sliced a golden delicious apple, red onion, and ham. The sun dried tomatoes were cut into thin strips.I topped the final product with additional sage leaves. This pizza is unusual but the components work. I feel the flavors develop more as it sits.
HHDD #17 Pizza… Apple Ham Red Onion Pizza on Whole Wheat Sage Flecked Crust
Here is my recipe for the Whole Wheat Pizza Crust Flecked with Sage:
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 cup warm water
1 tablespoon yeast
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup all purpose flour and some for dusting and rolling out.
Fresh sage leaves cut thinly
Mix sugar and water. Sprinkle yeast on top and let stand until foamy for 10 minutes.Gently stir in oil and salt. Add both whole wheat and all purpose flours to mix.Add sage bits. Knead until dough holds shape into a ball. Place in a oiled bowl and cover for 1 hour until doubled in volume.Take out and lightly knead , divide in to 2 balls. Let stand and rise a additional 30 min or until double in volume.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Roll out dough to your desired thinness.Spread sauce lightly over dough. Sprinkle some olive oil. Add some cheese, and the rest of ingredients. Top with more cheese. Rub fresh sage leaves in oil so they wont brown. Bake until cheese bubbles and browns. Approx 15-20 min.